Complaints Procedure


At Whiting Financial, we strive to attain 100% client satisfaction every time.


If, for whatever reason, you are unhappy about your loan, the service provided to you by the finance company, or the service that we've provided to you, the first step is to let us know by either e-mailing us or calling us on (04) 568 5120.

If the person you speak with is unable to resolve the matter it will be referred to the appropriate person, whom will acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days and try to resolve it within 10 working days. If they deem the matter requires more time to be investigated or resolved, they will discuss this with you.

Whiting Financial is a member of Financial Services Complaints Limited. FSCL fairly and independently resolves disputes between consumers — including some small businesses — and member financial service providers. Membership with FSCL is open to any financial services provider carrying on business in New Zealand. They are an independent not-for-profit external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008.

If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been handled or the outcome, the next step is to contact FSCL. Please note that they will direct your complaint back to Whiting Financial if you haven't tried to resolve it through us beforehand.

You can contact FSCL: